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Comanche Heart - Catherine Sanderson This was such a beautiful book and one that I knew I had to be in a certain mood to read. I expected it to be filled with emotion between Amy and Swift and I was right. The story takes place approximately fifteen years after Comanche Moon ends. In the last book we read the suffering Amy went through while captured by the bandits. Unfortunately, her suffering doesn't end at that point and there were more problems ahead for Amy. I think the worst part about reading it was knowing those kinds of crimes happened to women and children. Swift and Amy loved each other as teenagers and that never changed as they became adults (despite all of the problems they endured). Swift Antelope/Lopez is truly what a hero is meant to be in my opinion. He is one of my favorite characters that I have ever read about and Amy was a perfect complement to him. There were parts in the story that I had to stop and take a break because Amy made me feel so sorry for her. If someone hasn't read this book and is reading this review, it probably sounds very dark. It really isn't because it is also about hope and the courage to continue on when faced with traumas. Comanche Heart is not really similar to Comanche Moon other than the characters are the same. I loved both books for different reasons and I highly recommend it to anyone who is in the mood for a romantic and emotional filled book. Lastly, the ending was very satisfying and made me feel so happy on the last page.