9 Following


Seven Secrets of Seduction - Anne Mallory I really enjoyed reading the Seven Secrets of Seduction. Miranda Chase works in her uncle's book shop and becomes involved with Viscount Maximilian Downing. I don't want to give the plot away, but their first meeting is more than accidental. I instantly liked Miranda because she is smart, loyal, and loves to read. Miranda is also innocent, but has a sharp sense of humor that Viscount Downing is immediately drawn to. Viscount Downing...Hmm...I am not sure exactly how I felt about him. He was manipulative, but truly loved Miranda and her "station" (as a shop girl) didn't mean anything to him. I would have rated this book five stars except I didn't like the direction the last part of the story took. The story ended the way I wanted it to, but I didn't like the steps the characters took to get there. I know that probably doesn't make a lot of sense unless a person has read the book. Overall, I am definitely looking forward to Anne Mallory's next story and I am wondering if it will be about one of Viscount Downing's siblings (I sure hope so!)?